Here's a minor brain wave. How do you catalogue a big pile of crumbling posters? These babies were not intended to exist the day after they were printed; sixty-eight years ago. No problem. Photograph them with a digital camera. Download onto your computer and tag them with the poster number and date. Then you can organise them "virtually" into ten distinct poster groups and catalogue them onto Millennium. Easy peasy. Well it did take a few key strokes but it was definitely better that hoovering all those tiny pieces of newspaper off the carpet. Other opportunities might include adding such photographs onto Flickr, with tags and linking them in some way to the catalogue. It might be easier (and cheaper) than scanning and you don't have to handle the posters as much.
1 comment:
I like the way you're thinking - great solution and the Flickr option would allow you to repurpose the existing photos and link back to our catalogue as well.
Mylee (PLS)
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