I started looking at Stanen Design and what it does and it reminded me of The law of precession. This is like when a bee makes honey. That's it's goal. It's purpose is to fertilize flowers. This is like when you tag pictures on Flickr and then some one like these guys comes along and makes a mashup with tagged photos of peoples holidays and then mash them up with place names from the United States postal system. You never know what your goal is going to end up producing. So you better keep doing it! Flickrvision blew my head away as well. All these places all over the world and all these moments from people's lives being fired back at you. What is this all about? How can you take it all in?
1 comment:
I'm not sure about Flickrvision ... I'm still getting my head around Stanen Design and The law of precession ... I keep learning new things from everyone in the course! OK just checked out Flickrvision (wow - it's hypnotic) now I'm off to Wikipedia to check out the law of precession!
Mylee (PLS)
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