Sunday, June 22, 2008

Library Success at the State Library

At the State Library podcasts could be used for a number of purposes we have previously used flyers and other written material. Young clients seem to be keen to take up the new information technology and we can exploit this self provided conduit. Here are some of the ways:
  1. Oral History tapes online or MP3 player
  2. Presentations by interesting speakers in the library on interesting items we have in the collection. Elizabeth Ellis and Paul Brunton doing a Betty Churcher.
  3. Answering frequently asked questions on reader education subjects
  4. A personal guided tour of the Library
  5. Talk me through I.T. procedures.
  6. Talk me through cataloguing procedures.
  7. Induction information for new workers in the library


doggiedid said...

Good ideas. Yes the young of today are embracing this technology. The older (senior) clients may be too set in the old ways though, and don't always have computers at home or even MP3 players.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Australian War Memorial has got some good podcasts up on iTunes, divided into two types. 1. Collection highlights. 2. Lectures by notable speakers. However they have not put up anything new on iTunes since mid-2006.

They are also putting up video at YouTube.

They are however embedding video and audio (MP3) into the AWM website. It's a good innovation, but I prefer to have the audio on an ipod to listen at a time of my choosing, when I may not have a computer in front of me.

The experience of ABC radio national which has lots of "older (senior)" listeners has shown they are keen to embrace podcasts.