I thought the Answer Board Librarians Wiki was a great idea. These were my favourite tag lines and signitures. I couldn't help imagining what the people were like behind the tag lines. This is what I think:
Librarians--Ask Us, We Answer!
She wears flat shoes and never wears a skirt.
Librarians--We eat questions for breakfast!
She's a bit plump and has a wild look around the eyes.
Librarians--Yep, we're here!
This one lives for their holidays and flex days.
Have a question you don't want the whole world to see?
This is the colleague that turns up each day wearing sun glasses.
Librarians ... the ultimate search engines
Works in I.T. and dresses like a goth.
Librarians provide power tools to the people.
Has to be a male librarian, does a lot of work on his home at the weekend.
Librarians are where you are - online! (The Library is a resource, not a building).
This one looks like Ellen and Mylee.
Guess which one looks like me.