Saturday, April 19, 2008

It’s Not About Living in the Past (It’s About Living in the Present)

Many people can’t imagine a time when there were no mobile phones because they have never lived with any other situation. What did we do before email? We sent each other a note or went round to their house and paid them a visit.

Another thing we did was write in diaries. The other day I went to the Mitchell galleries where I saw a diary in a note book where the author wrote about going to an Abba concert in the 1970s. Where would this be now if it were written on a blog? Out in the invisible ether, deleted from the hard disk of history to be no more.

History is important because it lets us track the changes of civilization. Without this we are at the mercy of institutions that say there has never been CHANGE, there has only been the situation we are in now; which is a lie.

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